We emphasize safety, because it’s the right thing to do!

Our quest for a zero injury work environment isn’t just a priority.
It’s a key tenet of our company.

Safety is our #1 top priority
Every day, we walk onto construction sites with one goal in mind – get the job done safely. We take great pride in the role we play shaping the communities in which we live, work and play. But even more than that, we feel an unwavering responsibility to one another and our families and friends at home. It’s what drives us in every decision we make and why we never back down from doing what’s right, and doing what’s safe.

Building Construction
Coulter Construction, Inc. has long recognized that maintaining safe job sites is our most important duty. The safety of our employees, subcontractors, and clients is our absolute top priority. It shows in how we approach this vital element of construction.
We believe that all work must be executed in the safest way and that all employees must receive the training they need in order to do their job safely. Not only does every employee receive regular safety training, but they also receive ongoing training related to the unique aspects of each job. We also only align ourselves with partners that have similar safety standards. Our proactive safety training and new hire orientation programs also increase effectiveness and morale.

Planning Tools
Pre-Task Planning is necessary to make any construction project successful and safe. “Pre-Task Safety and Health Planning” is necessary to promote a safer and healthier work environment for each and every task.
There are a number of tools that a site safety and health professional or site superintendent can use to promote a safer work task leading to a safer project at completion. These tools include a Job Hazard Analysis (JHA), Job Safety Analysis (JSA), Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA), and the Pre-Task Safety and Health Plan. These tools are now used on projects more often than in the past. There are also Tailgate/Toolbox safety and health meetings and plans, Safety Moments, Safe Work Observations, Safety Stand-downs, and more.

The Mission of Safety Week is to collectively raise the awareness of the construction industry’s continuing commitment to eliminating worker injury, and to clearly communicate its dedication to a shared culture of care and concern and the belief that every week must be Safety Week.

The Construction Industry Safety Initiative (CISI) includes twelve major contractors who come together every other year for a two-day meeting to discuss only one thing – SAFETY. CISI holds a Safety Summit that includes over 30 major contractors in the United States. The goal of CISI is to influence not only those within their group, but others to work safely and elevate safety awareness to a new level in the United States.
Top 10 health & safety risks in construction
Falling from heights
Trips and falls
Moving objects/materials
Manual handling
Respiratory diseases
We are Stronger & Safer Together

Safety is a bond that unites us. It’s our connection to each other, and to something bigger than ourselves. Being connected gives us strength, because it means we are not alone in building a stronger, safer industry, and in creating a safe, supportive environment for our workers. Supported means we are here for one another, and we have each other’s backs in every possible way, providing the tools and resources necessary to ensure everyone can do their best work and return home safely every day. When we’re connected and supported, we are better able to help ourselves and our teams stay present and focused on the job. We are better able to create a culture and workplace where everyone feels safe. The more we stay connected and committed, the more we can show up fully to support one another. And the more we feel supported, the more safe choices we make, and the better work we deliver, leading to safer selves, safer teams and safer job sites.